Required Education

In Spain, since the adoption of the General Law on the Education System (LOGSE) 1990, education is required and consists of two stages: Primary Education and Secondary Education (ESO) corresponding to stages between 6 and 16 years.

  • Primary education:  It is organized into three cycles of two courses:
    • Initial
    • Medium
    • Higher

In general, it begins the calendar year in which they turn 6 years and attends to 12 years. The purpose of primary education is to provide all students an education to develop personal skills and social skills, acquire skills of written and oral expression, reading comprehension, basic math and use of new technologies and audiovisual communication. also it aims to develop the capacity of hard work and study, expressing the artistic sense, creativity, affectivity and basic knowledge of history and history. In the respective autonomous communities of each one of them, that promote their better understanding roots and traditions are studied.

  • Second Required Education (ESO): It comprises four academic years. Normally it start the calendar year that marks 12 years and ends at 16, even if the student is entitled to remain in the center ordinary regime to 18 years. In addition to delving into the materials described above, it delves into the first three courses in Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Geography and History, Physical Education, Castilian and second vehicular language, foreign language (English, French or German), Mathematics and Music. In some centers electives as a second foreign language and classical culture they are also taught. In the third year elective Entrepreneurs, to develop skills, competencies and attitudes of students regarding the subsequent employment is introduced. Fourth course there is more variety of electives, in order to deepen cultural science subjects or to focus the High School corresponding to students who have exceeded 16 years.

Limited Professional Society, L.P.S.

Limited Professional Society, L.P.S.

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08029 Barcelona (Spain)

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