

Spain unifies programs Erasmus Plus

Spanish students are in luck this year. The Ministry of Education, Sport and Culture has announced a story that already had long been demanding and has finally come true, and that the necessary procedures to qualify for scholarships Erasmus when there are two parallel and similar nature, was a difficult task. Now the unification of Erasmus will be funded with government funds, with a plus of € 100 extra, but with somewhat more demanding requirements "" program "Erasmus +" program, funded this case by the European Union. With these changes and unification, in the year 2016-2017 Spain will have additional 5 million euros the previous year, reaching a total of 90 million.

Secretary of State for Education, Vocational Training, Martial Marin was in charge of announcing last week. Thus a total of 103 million euros is achieved to create mobility programs for Spanish students this year.


Then the "" program created two years (2014) ago, which grants with € 100 in addition to the new, but with high standards of academic record as well as a high level language is endowed disappears. Thus the new program responds to the request of those responsible for mobility in the number of steps needed and administrative obstacles posed in many cases, makes this improvement, increase the stays of students feel weeks of the five which had previously also which will increase the available places for such activities.

The same secretary announced that this 2016 will provide five million euros more than the previous achieving a total sum of 29 million euros, the rest of the amount of monetary funds from the European Union. All this will be managed by the SEPIE, the Spanish service for the Internationalization of Education. These funds will also intended to cover all educational levels, from school education, vocational, higher, adult and faculty.

Students who choose this new mobility program "Erasmus" will have an average salary of 250 euros per month, which may vary depending on the destination country where you want to make the program achieving a maximum of 400 euros per month, something like what It happened with the "Erasmus +" program.

Those students with low family income or make mobility practices can add up to 100 euros to the initial amount.

After this unification, the rector of the University of Salamanca and chairman of internationalization and cooperation of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities, Hernandez Ruiperez announced it as "excellent news". On the other hand it agreed that the coexistence of both mobility programs were generating many problems both in terms of documentation, such as disorientation Erasmus students who wanted to join the program.

Along with this new unified program, it launched another agreement, to generate the opposite effect, and is the result of which will facilitate the arrival of students, teachers and foreign researchers, driven by the same service Spanish for internationalization, together with Secretería General of Immigration and Emigration of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

The main objective will be "to facilitate the arrival of students, teachers and foreign researchers and attracting talent from the Spanish universities, through the coordination of all agencies of the General State Administration, in addition to streamlining visas foreign students ".

The governing warned in a report published last January that Spanish universities do not attract students from other countries and have registered only 2.9%, while in the UK have a 17.5%, or France 9.8%. And the warning was for administrative-bureaucratic problems that have to do foreign students to have access to study this in our country.

Based on this agreement, the offices of attention to student mobility or international universities may act as the registration authority applications; the visa issuing process is expedited by establishing specific days and times for this management in immigration offices and police stations; an accelerated procedure for the admission of students in international mobility programs procedure is created; and promotion outside the Spanish model of simplified procedures.

Limited Professional Society, L.P.S.

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